Friday, July 11, 2008


History is an important thing! Why do you think Indiana Jones searches for artifacts and wants to preserve them?
Well now, my history can't in any way equal that of Indiana Jones, but it is worth recording things, if only to give someone a bit of a laugh or maybe, perhaps learn something - even inspire.

I suppose there have been some distinct periods: school days, New Zealand Forest Service days,
nursery days and Tanzania days.
I've learned the odd thing, and like everyone, my person history has moulded me into my ever changing self.

I was thinking of opening a separate blog so as not to mix things up, but have decided to go along adding things as they come to mind. For my Tanzania days, I have good reference as I kept an extensive diary while I was there.

It is difficult to know if it is good policy to record proper names, and I have my own policy on that. I will name correctly the people I respect and have done things that are good (in my opinion) and others I will make up names, more to tickle my own particular sense of humour.

I welcome comments as I do have a philosophy of my own as well and that will reveal itself from time to time.

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