Saturday, March 26, 2011

Detail of Assignment

As there becomes an overlap of assignments and activities, perhaps it is a good thing to note down basically what I was about. Certainly I will try the chronological approach when writing things up, but that has not and will not always happen.

Hifadhi - August 1995 - May 1997. Finished 3 months early.

DME - May 1997 - May 1998. First assignment.
DME - May 1998 - May 1999. Extension to assignment.
DME - May 1999- June 2000. Mainly DanChurch Aid.

DME - October 2002 - October 2004. - Rainwater harvesting.

While we were with DME, I was still associated with Joshia and we kept in contact with some of the villages or people from the Hifadhi days.
We were lodged at Makumira for the whole time with DME and always kept the tree nursery in production and distributed trees to villages, schools and other areas. Mostly we were funded by NZHC which evolved to NZAid. DanChurch Aid funded water projects and environmental work which was a five year project compressed to about one year.

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