Thursday, May 29, 2008


The Baobab tree  is one of my favorites and the one on my opening page is in Tarangire National Park. The hole in it is caused by elephants during drought times, sucking at the spongy trunk to get moisture.

Tanzania people say that God was playing a trick with the Mbuyu (Baobab) because most of the time it has no leaves and the bare branches making it look like its roots, so the tree appears to be planted upside down!

The big fruits have a white powder surrounding the seeds, sometimes used as a confectionery for children.
It is the main ingredient of cream of tartar.

The National Park is close to the Maasai village of Mswakini where I worked with the primary school there carrying out an environmental project as well as a water project. We also managed to raise some money for building a classroom to replace the one blown down. How come it was blown down?
Half the cement supplied was stolen (not by the school) so with 50% cement strength in the mortar and lintel, it made the walls too weak to withstand even light winds.

I will write about a water project another time and perhaps the school project.

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